You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” Mae West

Adrian's story

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Our Founder

Our Story

Founded July 10, 2023 by Adrian Troublefield.   Adrian’s journey is a remarkable story of resilience and determination. In 2012, at the age of 20, he made the bold decision to drop out of college and venture into the financial services industry. The path was fraught with challenges, including a period of homelessness and many years of struggle.

However, Adrian’s perseverance paid off. By the age of 26, he had risen to the ranks of vice president at a well-known financial firm. His entrepreneurial spirit flourished during the COVID-19 pandemic, when he built a six-figure business through his short rental and insurance ventures.

In December 2022, while vacationing in Egypt, Adrian faced a pivotal moment in his career. His financial company presented him with an ultimatum: remain as vice president or move on. Choosing to bet on himself, Adrian decided to leave the firm and embrace a life of travel. Drawing from his extensive experience in sales management and his personal journey as a college dropout, he founded Lifestyle University in a hotel room in Germany in 2023, six months after parting ways with his previous company.

Since then, Adrian has traveled to 21 different countries, giving back to communities in Ghana and Thailand through his foundation, mentoring a group of 500+ African American men He has also started five successful online businesses and moved overseas full-time. Under his visionary leadership, Lifestyle University now serves 80 students globally and has partnered with over eight companies that have collectively generated over a million dollars in revenue.

Our Empowering Minds, Strengthening Community

Mission And Vision

Founded July 10, 2023, Lifestyle University is one of the fastest growing online educational platforms. Founded on 3 principles fun, quality and affordability. Its mission is to create the most financially independent digital nomads globally, empowering them to move overseas and live life on their own terms. We believe in the power of fun, affordability, and quality in education. Our goal is to teach 1 million individuals to become digital nomads. 

Since 2023 we have produced one online six-figure earner. 30 people have earned an extra $1,000 a month. One person earned $15,000 one month. two people moved overseas.

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4500 Forbes boulevard, Lanham, Md 20706




Lanham, MD

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Our Coaches

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Adrian Troublefield

Adrian Troublefield

CEO & Founder

Darrell Julien

Darrell Julien


Anthony Kelly

Anthony Kelly

Head Of Marketing

This could be you

We are always looking for new talents

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Our Email

[email protected]

Our Phone

(+62) 8896-2220


Got Questions ?

If you have any other questions – please get in touch at  [email protected]

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